Rihanna na Drake na warudiana tena?

Huenda Rihanna na Drake hawajaishia kushirikiana kwenye wimbo mpya tu, Work, bali wakawa wamerudiana tena, kwa mujibu gazeti la The Sun.
Chanzo kimoja kililiambia gazeti hilo kuwa wamerudiana. Kwa mujibu wa ripoti hiyo, siku mbili kabla ya kutumbuiza pamoja kwenye Brit Awards Jumatano, wawili hao walijirusha pamoja kwenye klabu ya usiku jijini London.
The Sun pia iliongeza kuwa wawili hao hawakuonesha mapenzi yao na walipigana busu wakati wakicheza. Rihanna, 28 na Drake, 29, walirudisha tetesi za kuwa na uhusiano baada ya wawili hao kushirikiana kwenye wimbo Work.
Hakuna yeyote kati yao aliyethibitisha kuwa wamerudiana.

Hivi karibuni ilidaiwa kuwa ex wa Rihanna, Chris Brown alikasirika kutoka kwa single hiyo kwakuwa alihisi wawili hao walitoa kumkasirisha.
Diamond azungumzia collabo mpya na Yemi Alade na jinsi Zari alivyobadilisha maisha yake

Diamond azungumzia collabo mpya na Yemi Alade na jinsi Zari alivyobadilisha maisha yake


Diamond Platnumz na Yemi Alade wanatarajia kuja na collabo mpya.Taarifa hiyo imetolewa na muimbaji huyo wa ‘Make Me Sing’ alipokuwa akiongea na na D’Mike wa kipindi cha Mseto cha Radio Citizen. Amesema yeye na Yemi tangu wakutane kwenye kipindi cha Coke Studio Africa, wameendelea kuwa washkaji wa karibu.
“Wiki mbili zilizopita amenitumia nyimbo yake mpya ambayo tutafanya, na ukiisikiliza hiyo nyimbo ina mahadhi ya kinyumbani East Africa kabisa, siwezi kusema jina inaitwaje japokuwa jina pia ni la Kiswahili,” alisema Diamond.
Katika hatua nyingine, Diamond alieleza jinsi ambavyo Zari amebadilisha maisha yake.
“Kwenye siku hii nzuri maalum ya Valentine’s kitu kikubwa nitakachoweza kumwambia [Zari] ni kwamba nampenda sana na kiukweli amecheza part kubwa sana katika maisha yangu mpaka hapa nilipo,” amesema.
“Amenizalia mtoto ambaye nilikuwa na ndoto hiyo siku zote na kila siku amekuwa akinifanya napevuka kwasababu nakuwa na akili za kimaisha natoka katika utoto nakuwa katika utu uzima ambao unanifanya niweze kutengeneza hata misingi mizuri ya kazi yangu pia. Ukisikiliza nyimbo zangu, strategy zangu za kimuziki zinazidi kupevuka. Ananitunzia moyo wangu vizuri sababu nina mapenzi naye mazito.”

Mchumba wa Riyama Ally Afunguka 'Ukipata Mtu kama Riyama Usichelewe Kumuoa'

Leo Mysterio amesema hayo kupitia kipindi cha Planet Bongo ya East Africa Radio na kusema kwa sasa tayari yeye amefanya maamuzi ya kuishi na Riyama na muda wowote kuanzia sasa wanaweza kufunga ndoa kwani hatua za awali tayari wameanza kuzifanya.

"Unajua Riyana ni mtu ambaye ana huruma sana, ana akili pia ana mapenzi ya kweli kwangu na amekuwa akinisaidia katika kazi zangu hivyo nimefikia wakati nimeona ni bora nimuweke ndani kwani nimeridhika na yeye kwa kila kitu, ndiyo maana sijataka kuchelewesha kwa sababu yeye ndiye mwenye sifa kwangu" Alisema Leo Mysterio

Mbali na hilo Leo Mystereo amesema hajakurupuka katika maamuzi sababu yeye tayari alishafahamiana na Riyama Ally kwa zaidi ya miaka kumi uliyopita, lakini pia hajawahi kumuweka wazi mpenzi wake yeyote yule kipindi cha nyuma lakini mpaka amefikia hatua hii amejiridhisha na kuona kuwa Riwaya ndiye chaguo lake la kweli.

Hii Kali!SHILOLE adai bila Milioni 20 haumpati Kamwe!

Amepanda dau? Msanii wa Bongo Fleva, Zuwena Mohamed ‘Shilole’ amefunguka kuwa bila mtu kuwa na kiasi cha Sh. Milioni 20 mkononi, hawezi kucheza filamu yake kwa kuwa kwa sasa anaona kama ni kumpotezea muda.

Akipiga na Ijumaa Wikienda, Shilole au Shishi Baby alifunguka kuwa soko la filamu Bongo, linashuka na pia wasanii wanatumia muda mwingi lakini wanapata malipo kidogo tofauti na nguvu pamoja na muda waliotumia.

“Kama mtu akinitaka kwa sasa ili nicheze filamu yake awe na milioni 20 ndiyo nifanye maana ni kitu ambacho kinachukua muda sana halafu malipo yake ni kidogo,” alisema Shilole.



Picha ya Waziri wa Kilimo na Mifugo na Mbunge wa Iramba Mashariki imezua "hisia" tofauti na mijadala mitandaoni.Picha hiyo inamuonyesha Mh.Mwigulu akiwa na mwanae wa kiume,na "Caption" ya picha inayosomeka elimu ni ufunguo. Kikubwa kilichozua mjadala ni nembo katika fulana ya mtoto yenye maandishi ya FEZA SCHOOL.

Maswali na mijadala ya wengi ni kuwa,itakuwaje na moyo wa kuimarisha elimu ktk shule za umma kama sehemu ya mawaziri ambao ni watekelezaji wa sera ya Elimubure na Uboreshwaji wa elimu katika shule za umma wanakimbiza watoto wao katika shule binafsi? Kwanini Mawaziri ambao ni sehemu ya utekelezaji wa sera wanaoamini katika elimu bora katika shule za umma wao hawawapeleki watoto wao huko?

Picha hii imezua mijadala tofautitofauti na wapo wanoona Mh.Mwigulu yupo sahihi kupeleka watoto shule binafsi sababu ukweli ni kuwa shule za serikali elimu yao ni duni na isiyo na ushindani.

Hivyo mawaziri kuwapeleka watoto shule binafsi na zenye ubora kama FEZA SCHOOL ni kuwaepusha na elimu duni inayotolewa na serikali


Baada ya Ommy Dimpoz jana Kumuonyesha demu wake laivu kwenye mtandao wa Instagram kupangua dongo alilopigwa na Nay wa mitego kuwa yeye ni Shoga, Nay wa Mitego amerudi tena na kuandika haya hapa:
Bifu; Ommy Dimpoz amchana Nay wa Mitego

Bifu; Ommy Dimpoz amchana Nay wa Mitego

Ommy Dimpoz.
Siku moja baada ya mwanamuziki Nay wa Mitego kutoa wimbo wake mpya uitwao ‘Shika adabu yako’ ambapo katika mashairi yake amewadiss mastar kibao akiwemo Ommy Dimpoz, leo kupitia ukurasa wake wa Instagram, Dimpoz amemchana Nay kwa kuandika haya:
Nay wa Mitego.
“Barua ya wazi kwa Neema wa Mitego kwanza pole kwa Malezi ya Watoto ambao mama zao wamekukimbia, hakuna Mwanamke ambae anaweza kuishi na mwanaume mwenye tabia za kike kama zako 😂 inatakiwa ujiulize una tatizo gani maana km umaarufu mavi unao,nyumba unayo,magari unayo na hivyo ndo vitu dada zetu wanapenda lakini kwanini wanakukimbia pili kila nikiwaangalia watoto naona kabisa hamjafanana kuna umuhimu wa DNA Da Neema trust me. Vitu navyokula mimi wewe utaishia kuviona kwenye TV maana kuvipata mpaka uwe Unapanda sana Ndege sasa mimi najaza passport ya Tatu wakati wewe hata kurasa 4 za passport yako ya kwanza hujamaliza 😜 Sasa wewe ushazoea wanawake zako wa jumuiya basi unataka kila mtu apost demu wake. Nimekujibu ili nikusaidie promo ya nyimbo yako Atleast upige na Vishoo baba 😄😄 Sema nakuomba usirushe ngumi tu maana nakujua Mzee wa Kupanic Maana katika hao mabebi mama wako kuna mmoja nilishapitaga nae Uliza vizuri atakwambia kama jogoo anawika au vipi”.😂
😂Ukitaka kudownload wimbo wa @naytrueboy #ShikaAdabuYako nenda kwenye bio ya Da Neema 😊 – Alimalizia hivyo Ommy Dimpoz.
DMX aanguka, akimbizwa hospitali

DMX aanguka, akimbizwa hospitali

RAPPA na muigizaji kutoka nchini Marekani, Earl Simmons, “DMX” jana jioni alikimbizwa hospitali baada ya kuanguka sakafuni akiwa nyumbani kwake huko Ramada Yonkers, New York.
Kwa mujibu wa taarifa kutoka eneo hilo ni kwamba DMX kabla ya kuanguka alianza kulalamika kuwa anasijisikia matatizo katika upumuaji na maumivu kifuani.
dmx 2
Baada ya kuanguka, gari la kubebea wagonjwa lilifika eneo hilo na kumuwahisha hospitali iliyo karibu na nyumbani kwake ambapo anaendelea na matibabu.
Msanii huyo ana historia ya kusumbuliwa na ugonjwa wa pumu (asthma) na huenda ndiyo chanzo cha kuanguka kwake jana.
Tyga 'files legal documents to change custody agreement as he worries for son King's safety with ex Blac Chyna' following her arrest for drug possession

Tyga 'files legal documents to change custody agreement as he worries for son King's safety with ex Blac Chyna' following her arrest for drug possession

Concerns: Tyga has reportedly started legal proceedings to change his custody agreement with ex fiancee Blac Chyna over their three-year-old son King
Concerns: Tyga has reportedly started legal proceedings to change his custody agreement with ex fiancee Blac Chyna over their three-year-old son King
According to the legal documents obtained by DailyMail.com, British Airways refused to board the model on the London-bound flight due to her intoxication and verbal aggression.
The site alleges that the 25-year-old rapper has already filed legal documents in an attempt to get their custody agreement changed, with the rapper reportedly asking for custody of King during the week, while Chyna would get visitation at weekends. 
Hitting the headlines: TMZ claim the rapper has become increasingly concerned for his son's safety when he's around his mother Chyna, especially following her arrest in Austin last week for drug possession 
Hitting the headlines: TMZ claim the rapper has become increasingly concerned for his son's safety when he's around his mother Chyna, especially following her arrest in Austin last week for drug possession 
The report goes on to claim that Tyga has no problem with his ex's new boyfriend Rob, and thinks he's 'a good guy', after the star shared a Snapchat video showing the couple playing with King last week. 
Chyna meanwhile has insisted that the ecstasy pills found in her baggage at Austin Airport last week aren't hers.   
While Chyna, 27, admits she had been drinking, according to a report from TMZ, she has told the police the pills aren't hers.
Innocent: Chyna is reportely adamant she has no idea how the pills ended up inside a sunglasses case in her purse, found when she landed at the airport en route to London
Innocent: Chyna is reportely adamant she has no idea how the pills ended up inside a sunglasses case in her purse, found when she landed at the airport en route to London
Amber Rose and Blac Chyna on their way to Kim Kardashian
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A source has told the site that the star is insisting that she did not pack her own bags for the trip, explaining that 'her assistants who normally work for her were not there, and a different person packed for her.'
According to previous reports on the incident, Chyna admitted to a Saxon Pub bartender that she had taken Xanax, and she became 'verbally aggressive' when he refused to serve her more alcohol at the airport. 
When police arrived at the scene she reportedly smelled of alcohol, and officers described her behavior as 'unpredictable.' They said she was 'going from extremely angry, cursing at everyone then to crying.'
In the spotlight: Chyna, who is dating Rob Kardashian, was arrested last Friday for reported public intoxication and drug possession
In the spotlight: Chyna, who is dating Rob Kardashian, was arrested last Friday for reported public intoxication and drug possession
MailOnline has contacted Chyna and Tyga's representatives for comment.
Meanwhile it's been claimed the Kardashians have become increasingly concerned about Rob's relationship with Chyna, especially since the arrest.
A source has told People: 'It's troublesome that she was caught with drugs. There is a concern now that Chyna might not be great for him. Nobody wants their relationship to have a negative effect on Rob or end badly.'
Airport showdown: When Chyna tried to catch her flight, she reportedly smelled of alcohol, and officers described her behavior as 'unpredictable'
Airport showdown: When Chyna tried to catch her flight, she reportedly smelled of alcohol, and officers described her behavior as 'unpredictable'
But to his credit, the source reports Rob, 28, was also very disappointed following Chyna's arrest.
'Rob would never admit it, but it seems he is a bit disappointed in Chyna's arrest. It's never good when you are in a new relationship and your partner has legal trouble.
'It seems Rob has this idea that his life with Chyna will be so much better than his old life. He is clearly making an effort to change his negative ways. The question right now is just if Chyna is able to continue to be a good influence on Rob.' 

Caitlyn Jenner reveals how she she removed her 36B boobs when she fell inlove with Kris Jenner

Caitlyn Jenner has revealed she halted her transition when she met ex wife Kris Jenner even removing her 36B boobs,
 She also claims Kris was aware that she liked to dress as a woman.Caitlyn spoke out in a pre-recorded video, shown on The Today Show..
"I actually had my boobs removed. I never told anyone that,"
"I started on hormones. I was a good 36B. I loved them. I thought this was fabulous. My mission at that point was to transition before I was 40. Got to 39 ... I just couldn't go any further," she added.
She later met Kris and they went on to marry.
"We hit it off from day one,""I was very honest with her. I had to be, I was a 36B. Everything's really heading in the right direction, and I made this decision to move on with my life, Kris and I together with this family.""The rules with Kris and I were, 'Don't dress up, certainly around the house. If you really need to do that, when you're on the road, take stuff and do that,'" 

Blac Chyna lets lose at a strip club following arrest (photos)

Some days after she was arrested at Austin Airport for reported public intoxication and drug possession, Blac Chyna yesterday put her troubles behind her by hitting the Ace of Diamonds strip club in West Hollywood and spraying the ladies. See more photos...
Upcoming Socialite Sandra Bosset Proves That She Is a Total ‘S3x Kitten’ With These Erotic Poses

Upcoming Socialite Sandra Bosset Proves That She Is a Total ‘S3x Kitten’ With These Erotic Poses

Sandra Kaluki became infamous after she treated team Mafisi to a slew of provocative photos, each raunchier than the last.
She finally showed us how far she can go after baring her sprightly breasts and Brobdingnagian buttocks for the world to see.She did not even bother to strategically cover her naughty bits like other socialites did but opted to give it to us ‘raw’ thus gaining the moniker of ‘stripper socialite’.
As they say easy come , easy go, her new found fame threatened to fade away and since she intended on stretching her 15 minutes of fame, Sandra started engaging in tweefs with socialites who had ‘made it’ like Vera and Pendo.
That too was not sustainable and she has now gone back to basics, uploading the sexually-charged photos that made her famous in the first place:


OMG!Huh! Kim Kardashian and Amber Rose share photos together

Unbelievable! Amber Rose and Kim Kardashian both shared this picture and I believe they have made up..Kanye must have felt the beef would hurt his album sales, or their online spat was one major PR stunt..

Checkout their captions below